Lucia Ames Mead to Jane Addams, March 25, 1922

19 Euston St
March 25, ’22.

My dear Miss Addams,

I have just come back from my Public Evening Lecture work in New York and find the new book which you so kindly sent me. Mr. Mead has been reading it with great interest. Thank you very much indeed. I have already read parts in the Survey and was deeply interested in your treatment of all the experiences of these past eventful years. I hope the book will do great good.

I talked in New York [page 2] with all the peace workers -- Gulick, Lynch etc. and with Mrs. Leach, Mrs. Spencer and Miss Kittredge as to the W.I.L.

We did not see anyone in sight as a new chairman and Mrs. Leach thought Mrs. Odell would be willing to remain. We all felt that the prime need now is unity and concentration on those things on which we can agree and avoidance of controversial matters like new pledges for admission on the basis of belief in nonresistance, and what we should do in case of another war. All of us agreed that with the Mass. branch we should automatically drop out if Miss [page 3] Winsor's proposals were made a test of membership. I do not for a moment think that they will be.

We are all agreed I suppose about further reduction of armaments, participation in the Permanent Court of Int. Justice in general and continuous propaganda and in our cleaning up the scandalous situation in the Caribbean and much further cooperation with Latin Americans. We are not argued about the League of Nations nor upon opposing Sec. Hughes present policy as to Russia. Mr. [McDonald] told me he thought present action on our part in opposition would produce no effect.

I do not expect to be at the annual meeting but shall [page 4] send a letter and ask Mrs. Post to be my proxy.

Miss Cheever and I would be very glad to receive suggestions from you before our branch meeting on the 15th when we shall vote on matters of policy. We want to know definitely what you would really like to have done and will use your name or not just as you prefer.

Our branch is beginning to be quite active. I am investigating school text books and some of my suggestions are to be incorporated in a book which has had large circulation and is soon to be revised.

Hoping to hear from you and with warmest greetings.

Yours sincerely,

Lucia Ames Mead