Lucia Ames Mead to Jane Addams, December 13, 1921

Dec. 13, '21.

Dear Miss Addams

I enclose the very erroneous report which was all that the Post printed and which was worse than nothing. Mrs. Hunt, the director of the Speakers Bureau & the National Council said it had kept her busy answering telephone inquiries and she did not know but she should lose two speakers in consequence of this.

I felt that we must try to correct the mistake and went to see the Christian Science Monitor [page 2] and be sure that Boston got a correct report, and then I went over to the Grace Dodge and took a letter which Miss Balch and I wrote to the Post. I enclose a copy. It did not appear this morning.

I enclose a pretty good report of the meeting from the Herald, the last third of a column which was all right, I have lost. Of course you made no comment on the four-power treaty at the meeting. I saw nothing in the Times or Star.

I shall write to Miss [Crook] who was badly treated by the reporter. I don't know just how our last resolution was left but apparently it involved calling [page 3] in Brazil & Norway and every nation that had no interest in the Pacific before any nation on the Pacific could pledge itself not to encroach on the ↑[insular?]↓ [possessions?] of other nations in that ocean.*

Of course Mrs. Burch meant well, but I don't think she or the audience quite understood what was involved. I regret to see an unwillingness among some of our members to recognize anything good about the Conference. It is like that rampant suspicion at Zurich which prevented sending a courteous word of appreciation of the admission of women into every position in the League. They couldn't believe that the Covenant meant what it plainly said. [page 4]

I shall go home before Christmas. I have more money than I need for expenses and unless you direct otherwise I will give the remainder to our national and our Boston League.

We saw Mr. Christiansen yesterday about the Amnesty plea and Miss Balch and I later met with a few other workers at the National Council rooms for a conference with Mrs. Winter and Mrs. Bird. Mrs. Winter spoke wisely and well and with deep appreciation of the new spirit of simplicity and sincerity that is being manifested at the Conference.

Mrs. Hunt is keeping me busy with speaking engagements.

It was a great pleasure to see you again. Yours, affectionately,

Lucia Ames Mead

[written up left margin of page 3] *and all the rest of it.