Emily Greene Balch and Lucia Ames Mead to the Editor of the Washington Post, December 12, 1921



532 -- 17th Street
Washington, D.C.

December 12, 1921.

To the Editor of the Post:

May we point out that the report on the Mass Meeting in the Masonic Temple on Sunday in your issue of this morning, December 12, contains certain mistakes that give a very erroneous impression.

The meeting was by no means a meeting of protest but a meeting to propose constructive peace measures. Miss [Crook] of Smith College (not of "Wellesley") did not mention the four power agreement but spoke on disarmament and the parade which followed the meeting was intended not as "a protest against the action of the Conference" but against war and preparedness for war.

Among minor errors was the statement that Madam Inouye spoke. She was not present. The resolutions included reference to President Harding's proposal for appropriations for Russia; to the postponement of the American claims against Austria; in regard to the use of submarines and chemical warfare and to naval bases and fortifications capable of being regarded as a threat; to the inclusion of all races and peoples looking to the peace of the world; to amnesty for all political offenders; and taking steps to use the means available to send our international disputes to the Permanent Court of International Justice which has "recently been established with the cooperation of American jurists of renown."

Emily G. Balch.
Internat'l Secretary of the Woman's Internat'l League for Peace & Freedom.
Lucia Ames Mead [signed]