November 26, 1921.
My dear Miss Addams: --
Thank you for all your good letters so full of helpful suggestions. I think that Mrs. [Robins] would be simply fine, and in a wire to you yesterday I asked you to cable her, thinking that you might have a better approach to her than I. If we can get her and Professor Dewey we will have a [nucleus] for a good [mass meeting].
We have considered the idea of making the economic note the dominant one in the meeting, but after talking the matter over with Mr. Mussey, who has been very close to the people in New York who have the same idea in mind, we came to the conclusion that the League should not dissipate its energies in that direction, yet, at any rate. Every day it becomes more clear that in as much as an international conference is sitting here in Washington, it is our function, because of our international character, to emphasize that side of things and to try to put over the idea that the women of the world are together on this issue. Perhaps after hearing what Mr. Vanderlip has to say [when] he speaks next week, we can better decide whether it would be wise to plan such a conference as Miss Balch has in mind for some time later. It is a question that we should consider carefully at the conference.
Have you seen the pledge that the British and American "War Mother" took the other day -- not to participate in any way in the next war? We are trying to get someone from their [organization] to speak at the [mass meeting]. Don't you think that it would be fine to have them with us on this?
It looks now as if we would have a representative from each of the important countries, including Germany and Russia. What are your suggestions for the agenda for the conference? I suppose that Miss Balch's report will take most of the morning, then I think the afternoon should be devoted to a discussion of what form our future activities will take. If you have any preference as to the order of business let me hear from you. [page 2]
Have you any idea as to how many people from Chicago will be here? I think that you do very well to make your reservation well in advance.
We had a very good meeting to [reorganize] the Washington group here last night, and I think that we will get support enough to keep us going.
With kindest personal regards, and all good wishes I remain
Yours cordially,
Maude Odell [signed]