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Tolstoy, Leo (1828-1910)
Also known as:
Tolstoy, Lev Nikolayevich
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Mentioned in (93)
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Jane Addams to William Vaughan Moody, February 9, 1901
The College Woman and Christianity, August 8, 1901
Obligation of the Woman College Student to Christianity Today, August 8, 1901
Obligation of the Woman College Student to Christianity Today, August 8, 1901
The Message of a Good Woman: Review of
Democracy and Social Ethics,
April 16, 1902
Samuel A. Barnett to Jane Addams, May 13, 1902
Arts and Crafts and the Settlement, July 8, 1902
Count Tolstoy, the Russian Peasant, July 10, 1902
Tolstoy's Theory of Life, July 11, 1902
Samuel Milton Jones to Jane Addams, August 15, 1902
Peace and War, September 16, 1903 (excerpts)
Jane Addams to Miss Browne, October 3, 1903
A Moral Substitute for War, January 9, 1904
Newer Ideals of Peace, February 19, 1904
Aylmer Maude to Jane Addams, June 22, 1904
The Interests of Labor in International Peace, October 5, 1904
The Responsibilities and Duties of Women toward the Peace Movement, October 5, 1904
Women's Peace Meeting, October 22, 1904
Address at Meeting for Catherine Breshkovsky, January 22, 1905 (excerpt)
Color of Americans, April 16, 1905
Jane Addams's Own Story of Her Work: Fifteen Years at Hull House (First of Three Installments), March 1906
Newer Ideals of Peace, January 5, 1907
New Ideals of Peace, April 16, 1907
New Ideals of Peace, April 16, 1907
Aylmer Maude to Jane Addams, April 28, 1907
Jane Addams to W. E. B. Du Bois, May 18, 1908
Jane Addams to Brand Whitlock, February 8, 1909
Franklin Baldwin Wiley to Jane Addams, February 5, 1910
Jane Addams to Mary Rozet Smith, March 13, 1910
Samuel Sidney McClure to Jane Addams, March 25, 1910
Autobiographical Notes upon Twenty Years at Hull-House: The Snare of Preparation, May 1910
Samuel Sidney McClure to Jane Addams, October 7, 1910
Samuel Sidney McClure to Jane Addams, November 2, 1910
W. W. Warner to Jane Addams, November 26, 1910
Edward Alfred Steiner to Jane Addams, November 30, 1910
A Visit to Tolstoy, December 3, 1910
Edward L. Burchard to Jane Addams, December 10, 1910
Jenkin Lloyd Jones to Jane Addams, December 14, 1910
Ada C. Sweet to Jane Addams, December 20, 1910
Jane Addams to Graham Taylor, December 24, 1910
Ellen Frost to Jane Addams, December 31, 1910
A Visit to Tolstoy, January 1911
Religious Education and Contemporary Social Conditions, February 16, 1911
Jane Addams to Joseph Krauskopf, April 4, 1911
The Social Situation: Religious Education and Contemporary Social Conditions, June 1911
Child Labor on the Stage, July 1911
A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil, Chapter I, November 1911
A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil, Chapter IV: Tragedies of Lonely and Unprotected Girls, February 1912
George Ashley Lewis to Jane Addams, April 30, 1912
Old Glory: The Flag of Hope for World Peace, 1915
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