Jane Addams to Brand Whitlock, February 8, 1909


Feb. 8, 1909.

My dear Mr. Whitlock:--

I am mortified to find that your letter which came during my absence from the City has not been replied to. I have handed it over to the Treasurer, and I am sure the modest check will be sent at once.

You must know how well your address was received, and what a very great help your coming has been to our somewhat unpopular cause. I hope very much that you are feeling better, and that we are going to have a visit some time from Mrs. Whitlock and yourself.

The copy of "The Turn of the Balance" has not yet arrived. I am venturing to mention that fact because I want it very much. I have two copies which are both battered and dog-eared after much lending and much reading. There are few books that have [page 2] moved me more. I think I will put it with Tolstoy's "Resurrection" and Gorky's "Mother" in its genuine and stirring qualities.

Hoping that neither Mrs. Whitlock nor yourself will come to Chicago without giving us a chance to persuade you to "put up with us", as the English say, I am,

Always faithfully yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Mr. Brand Whitlock,
Toledo, Ohio.