Jane Addams to Mary Rozet Smith, March 13, 1910


Your letter filled me with pride and joy last evening, it sounded so well. Of course I am coming March 24" and am doing it with all my heart. Your father was so well when I saw him yesterday. Polly was in a jolly mood and he had [said] that he would sell her for a cent, she asked him if he would sell me for that, he looked at me in a perfectly [normal] voice said "Of course not," and held [page 2] out his hands with such affection and recognition for a moment that I was quite overcome.

All of the articles have gone to the American and the Tolstoy to McClures, so when the Year Book is off, nothing remains in way of literary labor, but the St Louis speech. Clara & I have been working all this blessed Sunday morning, & we are all off the [illegible name] meeting this P.M. My love to Eleanor & greetings to the others.

Always yours,

J. A.

March 13" 1910