Jane Addams to Joseph Krauskopf, April 4, 1911


April 4, 1911

My dear Mr Krauskopf: --

I should very much enjoy accepting your kind invitation to the National Farm School, and sincerely regret that it will be impossible for me to go this year. I go to the National Conference of Charities and Corrections at [illegible] ↑Boston↓ on the seventh of June and it will be impossible for me to leave Hull-House earlier than that. I have been very much interested in the growth of your school and consider it one of the most valuable educational forces in the entire country. May I hope that you will kindly ask me another year when it will be possible for me to get away.

My father and mother were both Pennsylvanians and Doylestown has been a familiar name to me for many years.

May I thank you for your [page 2] little book upon your visit to Tolstoy ↑but↓ which I have not yet had time to read and which I am anticipating with much pleasure.

With congratulations and good wishes, I am

Sincerely yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Jos. Krauskopf, Esq.,