Emily Greene Balch to Jane Addams, December 7, 1920



6, rue du Vieux-Collège

December 7, 1920.

Dear Miss Addams,

Your letter of Nov. 24 about the Nobel Peace Prize crossed my handwritten letter of last Sunday. The matter has not been automatically dropped as the award to President Wilson, if true, is not for 1921 for which we should ask. As I wrote before it has to be put through by Americans primarily and the prospects in that quarter do not look brilliant. As I wrote you last Sunday the simplest way for me and perhaps for our American Committee would be if you felt inclined, all things considered, to ask not to have any application made. The withdrawal of your permission would automatically end the incident necessarily and as far as I can see this is the only way in which it can be ended, except by having one of the Ex. Committee move to reconsider it and taking a vote by mail. You may prefer to move reconsideration rather than to take the more drastic method of refusing to stand. The latter would be much quicker ↑however.↓

I do not think that your activity in the Irish matter will do the League anything but good with those who are, in any case, open to our point of view and the other sort of people would be against us any way.

Always affectionately yours,

Emily G Balch [signed]