Anna Garlin Spencer to Jane Addams, January 27, 1920


My dear Miss Addams,

No, I think Mrs. Catt wants you particularly at the Conference ↑of N.A.W.S.A.↓ My Chairmanship is so temporary, just a pontoon bridge, as it were, from the old Board to a really efficient new one and your name so long identified [page 2] with [Woman's] Peace Party that your word would count particularly at such a conference as Mrs. Catt suggests. The whole women-voters movement, if carried out as planned, would seem to make all the old societies, -- Consumers League, Women's Dept. of Social Hygiene Assn., Child Saving [page 3] Assns, etc, etc, either obsolete or with a duplicating body of women workers. The National Council of Women (could Mrs Catt lead her forces to it rather than away from it) might make a harmonizing and cooperative [charter].

As it is I feel that the Conference at Chicago [page 4] is of vital importance, inasmuch as Mrs Catt, with her large resources and gift of organization, is likely to start her following in lines that will either submerge or confuse all existing social-working bodies and especially complicate the National Council of Women just before the meeting of the International Council [page 5] when the women of all other countries are so depending upon our Council -- I would give much to see and confer with you. Thank you for your invitation but I cannot go to Chicago meeting.

I have given up most of my paid work ↑this winter↓ for the sake of trying to aid W.I.L. but I could not afford to give up wholly my academic connections, [page 6] and I have to give 5 lectures at Teacher's College Columbia U. in Feb. the 6th, 11th, 13th, 18th & 20th. Beside I have promised to give Memorial addresses at Rochester for Miss Anthony's Birthday Feb 15th at big Sunday [evening] public meeting and at the College the 16th also at that City have a parlor meeting for W.I.L.

I am very anxious that all the little I can do, in [page 7] the short term of my service to W.I.L. shall be done. My husband's health does not permit my long absence from home nor as great a distance as I had hoped but I feel sure that Feb. & March will show some results of Mrs Karsten's work and mine.

Yours always lovingly

Anna Garlin Spencer
7 High Pt
White Plains

Jan 27, 1920. [page 8]

Owing to break down of my machine this letter is long hand. I will get the letter of Mrs Catt copied as soon as possible and return the original. The Bd meeting the 5th of Feb. should appoint the delegates -- for W.I.L. Sect -- for U.S.A. I mean.