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  • Subject is exactly "Addams, Jane, and woman suffrage"

Addams talks to a New York Sun reporter about her decision to support Theodore Roosevelt and the new party in the presidential election.
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Addams speaks on woman suffrage at a meeting in Potage, Wisconsin. She gave the same speech in Janesvile.

Addams notes that she is not alarmed about present day social conditions.

Addams tells Schweizer that she cannot pick out one influence of women's voting but is certain they will show.

Addams discusses child labor, the work of missionaries, and women's rights in China and India at the Woman's City Club

Addams spoke briefly alongside Chester Rowell to argue that women should use their votes to get the changes they want.

Lathrop seeks to talk to Addams about relations between the League of Women Voters and the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.

Addams speaks on women's suffrage in Birmingham and declares that women's voting power would be used to combat child labor.

Addams spoke about the roles women are playing in the peace movement to a breakfast meeting in Topeka. The article also details other activities during her trip.

Addams argues that woman suffrage might impact the plight of fallen women who are preyed upon by men.

Addams urges women to use their vote to pressure the United States to loan relief funds to European countries.

At the Biennial Federation of Women's Clubs, Addams discusses the problems of associating the right to vote with marital status of the husband, telling of experiences with immigrant women voting in Chicago.

Addams calls for getting all Chicago women to the polls at a joint meeting of Chicago Women's Clubs.

Addams discusses the impact that woman suffrage will have in Chicago.

A short excerpt from Addams's speech to the Suffrage School about the impact of woman suffrage.

Addams tells Sinclair about a time when her suffrage speech was banned from the University of Michigan's campus.

Addams discusses the universal suffrage movement and its impact on the peace movement.

Addams discusses suffrage and social work in Asia. This speech was given at the National Conference of Social Work in Toronto.

Kellogg asks Addams to write an editorial for the Survey on women's suffrage.

Spencer invites Addams to speak at the National American Woman Suffrage Association conference and updates her on suffrage movement's activities.

Gorton supports Addams's remarks on the deportation of aliens and woman suffrage.

Addams discusses deciding who to vote for in the Presidential Election.

Martin asks Karsten to thank Addams for her political endorsement and hopes she will help campaign in Nevada.