Vilma Glücklich to the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Executive Committee, December 25, 1924 Also known as: Vilma Glücklich to Jane Addams, December 25, 1924

Headquarters: Geneva, 6 rue du Vieux Collège

To members of the Executive Committee.

Dear friends,

I have to submit to you three proposals; let me begin by the most urgent one.

I. As the board of both the International Federation of Trade Unions and of the Socialist and Labour International will meet in [Brussels], on January 3d and 4th, Gertrud Baer suggests that Lucie Dejardin, as member of our Executive Committee, may present to them on its behalf a Memorandum in which -- with reference to our resolutions on disarmament, to our opposition to whatever kind of war and to the work of our Committee against scientific warfare -- we ask them to use this opportunity of influencing public opinion and

1) to urge not only disarmament by abolition of armies, navies and [airplanes], but as well by prohibition and interruption of the preparations for any kind of scientific warfare (chemical, electric or biologic or whatever) in all countries;

2) to declare unlawful all kinds of war, whether aggressive, defensive or war of sanction;

3) to appoint a Committee for the control of scientific methods of warfare and charged to inform the people of all lands about the abuse of science and of work for destruction by scientific methods.

As we have very little time left to carry out this, if it is adopted, I cannot wait for the answer any longer than until the 27th inst; unless I receive by then five negative answers, I shall send the Memorandum to Lucie Dejardin who is certainly ready to present, explain and [recommend] it. I shall look for inspiration to Miss Marshall's splendid letter addressed to the same body in 1923; but I should be happy if she would be allowed by her doctor to draft another one this time, or if some other member of the Executive would kindly give me suggestions for it.

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II. Mme. Duchêne suggests that an Executive Meeting may be called as soon as possible, in view of the financial difficulties arising out of the bad economic conditions of almost all our European Sections and of the generous sacrifice of the U.S. Section for the Congress.

I beg ↑to add↓ further motivation of this proposal that a serious discussion of our policy has become necessary since the distribution to almost all our sections of a letter addressed by the British Section to Miss Addams and dealing with our reworded object.

Would you kindly tell me your opinion and your suggestions as to time and place as soon as possible?

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III. Getrud Baer suggests that if the International Conference on Reduction of Armaments is called by the League of Nations, our Executive as well as the Committee against scientific warfare shall meet at the same time and place (probably Geneva).

Looking forward very much to your early answers

with best wishes for Christmas and 1925

yours very sincerely

Vilma Glücklich [signed]