Vilma Glücklich to Women's International League for Peace and Freedom European Sections, November 29, 1924

Central Office: 6 Rue du Vieux-Collège.

To European Sections.

Genéve, 29 -- II -- 1924.

Dear friends,

We are requested by Peruvian correspondents to profit off the opportunity of a celebration in Peru of the centenary of independence of Latin American republics on December 9th, -- which seems to get some touch of international spirit by the invitation of Rabindranath Tagore -- in order to appeal to the Peruvian government for an amnesty to be conceded to their [citizens] living in exile on account of their convictions.

As the request is in perfect harmony with the spirit of our resolution concerning political prisoners passed at the Executive Meeting in Dresden, 1923, I suggest that those sections which agree with it and can reach a Peruvian Legation or Consulate, present there at once a petition for which I beg to enclose a tentative draft and at the same time give notice to the national and international press.

Please tell me what you have decided.

This matter being very urgent, if to be dealt with at all, I shall send you another circular letter as soon as that of a month ago will have been answered by somewhat more sections than so far. 

May I remind you that the material for the Halfyearly Report ought to reach me soon, if you wish it to be published at all.

With all good wishes for the cause of Peace, which has suffered a great deal since I last wrote you,

very sincerely yours

Vilma Glucklich [signed]