Emily Greene Balch to Jane Addams, February 24, 1922


Feb 24/22

Dear Miss Addams,

If you don't mind my writing like this I can keep a copy without using a typewriter and all the office is very busy.

We hoped that if the Ex. Com. were not convoked for Geneva, [illegible] Miss Marshall (or perhaps she and I) might be in Genoa for the conference. Her father is now ill and I doubt if she will be able to go and I think there would be no point in my going along as I am no lobbyist.

It now strikes me that the most useful thing we could do would be to send a statement ↑circular↓ to each member of the Conference stating briefly our view as representing the general lay public of international feeling. What I shall propose is that each chairman of a National Section should sign as such; we have in general no machinery for ↑quickly↓ getting our sections, as such, to underwrite such a circular. It might be well to add the signatures of chairmen of local or regional groups; what do you think?

M. Rappard with whom I talked this over [page 2] suggested we might get other like minded societies to adhere and add their signatures.

I have just drawn up a tentative draft which I am submitting to all our sections and particularly to Miss Marshall who is in touch w. the most useful people in London for suggestions and approval if it so be. The conference is [now] expected to take place Mar. 29, 5 weeks from today. If this letter reaches you exceptionally promptly you may have time to reply by mail, but hardly so that we could redraft, resubmit, [illegible] print & get out the circular. If you feel time presses will you cable please. If I do not hear of course I make no use of your name. If you cable swiftly "Addams" I will understand this ↑as↓ permission to sign. This or something substantially [illegible]. If you cable "discretion -- Addams" I will understand that any ↑such↓ circular we may send out you authorize me to sign for you in my discretion. If you cable disapprove I shall understand you think we had better not send out any such circular. [page 3]

If you secure other signatures you could cable "sign "Sign Addams, Brown, Jones" etc. You will have to judge whether it is necessary to add societies or groups of which they are officers. Add If I am given latitude as to the content of the circular add the word "Discretion" after the last of names to which it applies.

We are asking a very nice-sounding Mrs. Elgie, Hon. Sec. of the Leeds branch of the W.I.L. to follow Miss Thornton.

[illegible] All goes well here --
with love always yours

E. G. B.

P.S 1- -

Plans for the Italian summer school [promise] well

P.S 2 --

I hope you will like the new Bulletin going out today. It sounds as [though the] Vienna Rpt might be ready soon.