Alice Thacher Post to Jane Addams, January 2, 1922


International Committee of Women for Permanent Peace

The Section for the United States of America
The Woman's Peace Party
Office: 116 South Michigan Avenue
Chicago, Illinois

2513 Twelfth St., Washington, D.C.

My dear Miss Addams:

It is most distressing that you had such an experience with those utterly false reports. Mrs. Mead and I were shocked when their equivalents came out here, and as I think you know, she and Miss Balch wrote a denial for the Post, which was not published, though Mrs. Mead personally followed it up.

Your letter and enclosures came late yesterday, and today I am sending the enclosure to Mrs. Mead with a carbon of this letter.

I conclude that you have not approached Mrs. Odell on the subject, since you do not speak of doing so.

Now unless you are writing to Mrs. Mead that you wish she would do something about it, I think it might be well for her to return the clippings to me, so that I can have them on hand in case matters in regard to publicity for the annual meeting come up here, to show in proof of our having had bad publicity for this meeting in December. And still further, if you don't object, I might when I get the papers back from Mrs. Mead (if you don't object to my having them back), I might send them or take them to Mrs. Odell and ask her if even at this late day she could not disavow that news to the Chicago Tribune, saying that I know that of course it could not have been put out from headquarters as we all know its unveracity You see it is a delicate matter since she told me, as very likely she told you, that the publicity would be all right as Mr. Odell had charge of it (and you know he is a newspaper man). But I can take the ground that that news could not have been put out from headquarters, laying the blame on reporters from outside.

I [groan] within as I think of the splendid and correct publicity Jessie Benton MacKaye (poor Jessie, now in the other world after much misery) gave us in those early days.

Don't let me press any course of action on you, I am merely suggesting.

I agree with you that Wells had the sanest view of the Conference. And I do think we should be constructive. I myself was not as destructive in re the 4-power pact as the minutes of the meetings made me out; I was only doubtful of its trend.

With most affectionate remembrances from both Louis and myself,

Faithfully yours,

Alice Thatcher Post [signed]