Ellen Winsor to Jane Addams, January 27, 1921

Miss Jane Addams,
Hotel Lafayette
Washington, D.C.

Dear Miss Addams:

Is there any possible way of putting me in touch with Miss Louie Bennett? She appears to be the Great Mystery of the day. The N.Y. Office can give me no clue, nor can they find out anything from the W.s.P.S. who were supposed to have met her on her arrival in New York. Is there a conspiracy to keep her whereabouts secret? If not the Penn. Branch of the W.I.L.P.F. want to show her some courtesy, and if there is not time to get up a large meeting for her at least we can gather together our members to bid her welcome to Philadelphia. I saw in some paper that another member of the W.I.L. for Ireland was with her. Is that correct, and is she a speaker, too?

Your telegram was received with sorrow. We cannot have a Disarmament meeting either The 17" or 16" of February, as the sessions of the N.W.s.P. will be in full blast in Washington.

I enclose a letter for Miss Bennett, if you will be so kind as to pass it on to her.

Sincerely yours,

Ellen Winsor [signed]


↑Will you be with us on the 3rd at Mrs Lewis? I do hope so!↓