Emily Greene Balch to Jane Addams, April 30, 1920 Also known as: Emily Greene Balch to the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Executive Committee, April 30, 1920

19, Bd Georges-Favon
Circular Letter to Executive Committee.
Series of 1920. No. 5.

Geneva, April 30th. 1920.

Dear ↑Miss Addams.↓

You will be glad to know that for our Executive Committee meeting, June 1-4, we are definitely expecting Madame Duchêne, Frl. Heymann, Madame Ramondt-Hirschmann and Mrs. Swanwick (besides Mlle. Gobat and myself). We hope for Frau Hertzka as well.

I am sorry to say that neither Miss Addams ↑you↓ nor Mrs. Larsen can come. I do not yet know just how many of our consultative members will be there.

There is a great variety of business before us of unequal importance but some of it of great interest. The following pieces of business have been proposed.

1. The question of Executive procedure and the responsibility of the Headquarters Office. (British)

2. Summer Schools (British)

3. Congress 1921 (British)

4. Pax et Libertas (British)

5. The question of W.I.L. Missions (British)

6. Proposal of Women's strike in case of war (L. G. Heymann) (British)

7. Question of an English worker at Geneva (British)

8. Finance Committee, finance in general, application to Nobel institute and perhaps to other peace institutions (Larsen)

Mrs. Larsen also proposes that meetings of the Executive Committee in the year between congresses should be reduced to include only presidents, vice-presidents and secretaries.

Besides these concrete proposals received from Sections or individual members there is a good deal of other business which I should think must, or might, be taken up. I would like to submit to your consideration the following outline (in which the preceding proposals are incorporated):

I. Reports.

[a]. Report of Secretary-Treasurer. [page 2]

b. Report of Dr. Arnesen's Committee on Education.

II. Elections.

a. Election of Fraternal Delegates to the Suffrage Congress.

b. Action on Resignation of Chrystal Macmillan.

III. [Organization] Problems.

A. General.

1. Future of our [Organization].

2. Relation to other peace [organizations].

3. Reasons for a separate womens league -- how long valid.

4. Should we ever affiliate with other [organizations] with allied objects?

5. Should we register with the "Union des Associations Internationales"?

6. Should we permit other associations to affiliate with us?

B. National Sections.

1. How have any effective mutual knowledge of what is being done and not done? 2. How can we "activate" our work in those places where nothing is being done? 3. How start work in new places? (For instance in [Czechoslovakia], Ukraine, [Yugoslavia], Poland, Russia, [Romania], Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Armenia, Palestine, China, Japan?).

C. Headquarters Office.

1. The Question of Executive Procedure and the responsibility of the Headquarters Office.

2. Relation of Office to the Geneva Community.

3. Should the office have any direct relation with local groups of national sections?

4. What importance should be given to our filing of press-cuttings, etc.? to completion of our archives?

5. Relation of Geneva Office to the press.

6. What should be its propaganda function?

7. [Organization] and staff of Geneva Office.

IV. Policy.

1. Should we concentrate or spread our efforts?

2. Restriction on submitting new proposals to National Sections (Hertzka proposal).

3. The place of Revision in our [program]?

4. Should different National Sections and local groups devote themselves to different lines of activity?

5. Relation to relief work.

V. Preparation of our Congress of 1921.

VI. Pax et Libertas.

VII. Work.

1. The use of meetings

2. [The use of] press [page 3]

3. The use of delegations and deputations

4. [The use of] election campaigns

5. [The use of] work through political parties.

6. The Question of "Missions" to Balkans, Russia or elsewhere.

7. Preparation of refusal to take part in war.

8. [Organization] of a summer school on international [questions]

9. [Organization of] an Educational Conference?

10. [Organization of an] Exchange of lecturers.

11. Other Educational activity.

VIII. Propaganda.

1. How best conducted?

2. Printed matter?

3. Zurich Report. How make best use of?

4. Meetings.

IX. Membership.

1. How increase it?

2. How far do we desire members?

3. How far should we avoid dilution with less absolute pacifists?

4. Function of Associate Members?

5. Should National Sections be limited to citizens?

X. Pending business.

Rewording of statement of our object.

XI. Proposals submitted by Sections or Individual Members.

1. German proposal on Education

2. Swiss proposal as to compulsory civilian service as an alternative to military.

3. Request to World Postal Union (Heymann)

4. Reform of passport system (Balch)

5. Peace Day (Danish suggestion).

6. Manufacture of War Toys (German Sections)

7. International Language (British and Danish Sections)

XII. Political Problems. such for instance as:

1. Revision

2. Protection of Minorities.

3. Armenian Women

4. Pacifism in Revolutionary times.

5. Representation of Women in the League of Nations.

6. Passive Resistance.

7. [illegible]

7. The Balkans and Near East.

8. Food and coal supply (C. f. Mrs. Pethick Lawrence proposals at Zurich)

9. Free trade.

10. Right of Asylum.

XIII. Our feminist [program] [page 4]

XIV. Our social-industrial program

How far should we spend ourselves on these?

XV. Enquêtes.

1. Should we undertake any enquêtes?

2. If so how [organize] them?

3. On what subjects?

For instance:

a. on economic or famine conditions

b. on character of boy or girl scout movement

c. mixed marriages (nationality laws)

d. on right of asylum

e. on educational subjects.

f. on conscription and conscientious objectors?

XVI. Finance.

1. [Organization] of Finance Committee instituted at Zurich.

2. Question of applying to Nobel Institute or other peace [organizations].

It is clear that there is a great deal to talk over, that we must [organize] and simplify the business, allow plenty of time and waste none of it.

It is to be noted that this is an executive meeting, that we are each of us present as an international officer elected by the whole body and not as delegates of any national section, that consultative members are entitled to be present (and their presence is much desired) but that they are not members of the [Committee].

Please send any comments and suggestions that you may wish to make immediately on receiving this letter.

Yours very sincerely,

Emily Balch [signed]