Emily Greene Balch to Jane Addams, April 2, 1920

GENÈVE: 19, Bd Georges-Favon

April second

Dear Miss Addams

I do not need to tell you that it was a very good pleasure to receive this Good Friday morning your long and [most] welcome letter of March 20. Of course I understand the long interval without a letter and am flattered happy to be counted near enough so that you know this is so. But of course, alas, I like it when you have time to write.

I am sending just this notelet this morning because we are closing the office at noon and there is much to do before that, and at the same [page 2] I want this to go on ↑with↓ the Am. mail of today.

As to business -- the Summer School is given up -- too many delays, time grown too short, too many complications.

I am very happy you are having an [Am'r?] meeting this month. We are sending you 200 extra copies of Pax to distribute. I had a long fine letter from Mrs Spencer and have written ↑& called↓ to her & Mrs Karsten. I have also written a letter to friends in Mrs. Villard’s Women’s Peace Society. I Send you a copy herewith. I hope this letter is not unwise at any rate it will explain itself. [written in left margin] ↑I am holding this back [from sending].↓

She It is fine having Helen C with me although I am tempted into exploiting her [page 3] all the time. We are going off together to the Lake of Thun for Easter.

She wrote you that I had had an illness -- I merely went to bed for a few days, like all the rest of the world, with a [griply] cold and afterwards I had a hard time with interacting sluggish digestion & tired nerves, but I am coming uphill now. But I think it is indicated that I must plan a real vacation by & by. Teachers are quite spoiled in that direction you know and I only got 2 or 3 days at Xmas.

The Zurich report is really moving but we have had such unconscionable delays that I dare promise nothing.

I hope a great deal from the meeting of the [page 4] Ex. Committee meeting here June 1-4, I do very much hope someone of our American group can come over -- of course several, if that is practicable. We ↑U.S.↓ are entitled to 2 consultative members. ↑Please send us your views as to agenda.↓

Miss Macmillan is here so the question of asking her to reconsider can easily be taken up. She is as bonny and busy as ever.

I won’t write more today and am always lovingly & gratefully yours

Emily Balch

[written in left margin] The trunk sent me from home last Nov. has just arr’d safely full of winter wraps & other treasures.