Frederick Wigg Van Buskirk to Jane Addams, March 25, 1917


Evanston, Illinois, March 25th. 1917

Miss Jane Addams
Chicago, Illinois

Dear Miss [Addams],

I have recently taken up my residence in Evanston, having lived in California for the past ten years.

I regret exceedingly to see the way my countrymen are drifting or at the present day almost plunging themselves into the arena of wholesale nationalized murder, and wrote a letter of approval to Mr. W. J. Bryan in which I offered to render any assistance possible to the good cause which he is championing.

I have just received a letter from him suggesting that I communicate with you and get in touch with the various organizations you are in touch with, therefore this letter. If there is any way in which I can assist in your work in Evanston I will be very glad to hear from you and will do anything I possibly can.

I am occupied through the daytime in commercial activities but my wife will be glad to meet with you or any of your committees during the daytime if you will designate the time and place of meeting. Mrs. Van Buskirk is Past-President of the County Federation of Womens Clubs of San Diego County, California and Past President of The San Diego Womans Club and although a stranger like myself in these parts, will be glad to render any assistance she can in your work with Women's Clubs.

Wishing you success in your undertakings, I am

Very truly yours

Fred W. Van Buskirk [signed]

Fred W. Van Buskirk
1592 Oak Avenue,
Evanston, Ill.