Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Frederick Wigg Van Buskirk, March 30, 1917


March 30th, 1917.

My dear Mr. Van Buskirk:

Thank you very much indeed for your letter of March 25th, addressed to Miss Addams. Miss Addams is out of the city and I am writing because I feel that at this time we must enlist every one who is interested in our work and do so immediately.

We have a number of members of the Woman's Peace Party in Evanston. Among them is Mrs. Richard Stanley Tuthill, Jr., 1113 Davis Street. The [same] mail that [brought] me your letter brought one from a Mrs. G. M. Martin, 1205 Elmwood Avenue, Evanston, who is very greatly interested in the work. We also have other members in Evanston, and I have no doubt that you would find a great many sympathizers, if you could plan some organization.

I regret that I did not receive your letter in time to send your wife an invitation to the meeting of the Chicago Branch of the Woman's Peace Party, which we held this morning in the Fine Arts Building. I would very much have liked to have her present at this time when we had a report from our Executive Secretary, Mrs. William I. Thomas, who has been doing legislative work in Washington for the last three months.

I am sending you under separate cover some material in reference to the work of the Woman's Peace Party including an application blank for membership and a copy of our Congressional Program. I am also sending a copy of a letter which we have just sent to our members and a postal which we are asking to have filled out and sent to the Congressmen of Illinois as soon as possible. Perhaps you may be able to help in this.

Sincerely yours,

Office Secretary

Mr. Fred W. Van Buskirk,
1592 Oak Ave.,
Evanston, Illinois.
