Emily M. Herey Denison to Jane Addams, February 10, 1916

Mrs. James Floyd Denison,
1926 Argyle Street.
Butte, Montana, February 10, 1916.
Miss Jane Addams,
Chairman, The Woman's Peace Party,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

I am enclosing you a letter from a prominent woman citizen of Sidney, Montana, and who I invited to join A Committee of One Hundred, to work for Peace in Montana.

She [criticizes] you, and I feel it is unjust, and with the strong feeling, that she should be set right, I am going to ask you to write her, explaining your position both with the Ford Peace Expedition, and as leader of the Woman's Peace Party.

I, of course <would> take great pleasure in answering her note, but I feel you will define your position with both the movements better than I can do, and so I ask that you write Mrs. C. E. Collett.

Then I am going to ask for another favor, it is this: My work in establishing a Playground System, is so heavy at this time and since we are in a critical period in its development, I need to give all my time for the next six weeks to that work.

How will you authorize your associates to send the necessary literature to the list of names which I enclose under this cover. I would like <to have sent> the Constitution and Platform, and a copy of the full proceedings of the last Convention held in Washington, D.C., and whatever other literature you deem best to interest this list of women. [page 2]

I feel in this way that the purpose and plan of the work for 1916 properly placed before them will enlist them in my organization yet on account of my other duties, if your office cannot do this for me, I feel that the work will have to wait for me, or that another head should be chosen.

I will be glad to receive your instructions about the situation, but I think literature in their hands for the coming six weeks would be doing a great deal of good, preparatory to the time in which I will be able to resume active charge again.

With best wishes, I am,

Faithfully yours,

Mrs. James Floyd Denison [signed]
Chairman Montana State Branch
Woman's Peace Party.
