Alice Hamilton to Anita McCormick Blaine, December 6, 1915


December 6th 1915

Dear Mrs. Blaine:

Miss Addams, who is still in the hospital, has asked me to send you the little book she has got together telling of The Hague Congress and of some of the experiences of the women in their journeys after the Congress was over.

She [bade] me say that while she did not want to bore you with her troubles over the bayonet charge controversy, she thought that you could perhaps see in this book what idea she was trying to convey. I was myself much interested in a letter which has just come from an Englishwoman we saw a good deal of in London, saying that Americans seem to be more British than the British, for when the story was repeated over there people accepted it without protest.

Miss Addams is still waiting for a diagnosis but we hope to have her home soon now.

Sincerely yours

Alice Hamilton [signed]

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