Alice Peloubet Norton to Victoria Elizabeth Gittings, May 24, 1915


May 24, 1915.

My dear Miss Gittings: --

I know you will be disappointed, as I am, that it has not seemed best to work for signatures [for] your petition. Upon first receiving it, I wrote to Mrs. Mead, since Miss Addams told me before she went away that I was to refer all such matters to the Executive Council, and she at first [wrote] that it was all right to sign it. This was followed by a letter saying that there were some complications that made her think it was best for her to do nothing about it. Later I received word from Mrs. Villard who is of course very much in sympathy personally with this, saying that in view of present conditions, it seemed best not to do anything about it just now.

As I have said, I am very sorry because I do believe that we ought not to be exporting arms. There are so many complications though that I thought I ought not do anything about the matter without authority from the Executive Council.

With regrets, I am

Yours cordially,

Acting Ex. Secy.

Miss V. E. Gittings,
231 W. Preston St.,
Baltimore, Maryland.

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