Jane Addams to Mary Rozet Smith, May 25, 1915


May 25"

Grand Hôtel Wien
I. Kärntnerring 9.

Dear Mary

I had such a vivid dream of "[Yelle haig?]" last night that I feel quite sure today you must have been there -- [although] I know it is much too early perhaps it was only [Chilmann?].

We are getting on so famously that I am quite sure we will be able to sail for home [page 2] by the 15 or 20 of June. Do have a letter for me at Miss Wald's that I may know where to find you, for if you and Mrs Bowen are at Bar Harbor I suspect that I will make a bee line for there.

We can hope for no letters until we reach Berne the last of the week but I am sure we will hear that Waukegan is going well and I hope that all else is. [page 3]

We expect to be in Berne by the end of the week and I will write longer letters from there. By this time you will have seen various [enlargements?] -- at least three of them. Have they corrected you, I wonder.

Always devotedly yours

Jane Addams.

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