Jane Addams to Mary Rozet Smith, April 22, 1915

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S.S. [Noordam]
April 22d 1915

Dearest Mary

I have been quite homesick for you and the Adriatic through this big and peaceful voyage. It has really been very nice, and we have grown quite attached to our delegation.

A class every day at 11 o'clock, almost every day at 3 o'clock, and every evening at 8 o'clock sounds pretty awful but [page 2] was really interesting and we were finally fixed into a fine [program] which we give out our suggestions to The Hague. I am feeling very well and have been most of the time in spite of a "woozy" head, I imagine that I have done a little better than A. Hamilton [although] we have both been rather [noble] and better than our [previous] records justified. [page 3] I have felt all kinds of ways about the mission itself but the women on the whole are as nice & friendly as 40 women, thrown suddenly together, could possibly be -- and so far, so good, whatever happens next.

I am quite frantic for letters and [although] our wireless <apparatus> ticks all of the time, the [page 4] Captain won't tell us a word -- he's had company orders he says. We hope for newspapers by the [pilots] today.

The fruit & cakes were fine but the boat table has been as good as possible and they were only an indulgence after and passed around at night more for purposes of good cheer than for food. [page 5]

I am for small boats loaded with enough [which] to make them steady. One has a sense of comradeship and inclusion that is really quite wonderful and reconciles one to the most diverse people. Mary Heaton Vorse is a real charmer and so are [some] of the others, I will [mark] a list and send it to you from Holland. [page 6]

Good Bye, Dearest child, I wish you were here, and I do hope Lyman is coming to us for the summer. I am always hoping for a [stroke] which will give him to you.

Do let me know about H. H. Always & forever yours J. A

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