Jane Addams to Emily Greene Balch, August 6, 1915


August 6, 1915

My dear Miss Balch: --

Can't you plan to come up to Bar Harbor and visit me some time between the 15th and 25th of August, or for all of that time, for that matter?

I am going back there for two weeks leaving here the 12th or 13th. Of course, I shall stop and see you in Boston any way, but it would give me great pleasure if you would come on with me to Bar Harbor as my guest from Boston. Miss Wald is coming the 15th, and we will have a chance to clear our minds.

I am quite frantic to hear what you have to say and hope you will have heard from Mr. Crane about Colonel House. If he <Mr Crane> does not make the appointment, why don't you write him yourself, saying that you feel sure he would be interested in the report you have to make. It is very trying the way the President keeps one waiting, but perhaps you will see him before the 15th. I do hope so!

Write me whether or not the Bar Harbor visit seems possible. You [page 2] would see Mrs. Kelley and the others there and we could sort out all our impressions.

Always faithfully yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Miss Emily Balch
Jamaica Plains, Massachusetts.