Jane Addams to Mary Rozet Smith, March 4, 1915



The last "Current Opinion" has a good acc't of our Woman's P.P. which I am [enclosing] -- please keep it for me with the other clipping. I left in the top drawer of my little chest of drawers, all my drugs -- which I can replace here -- and my longuettes. [page 2] I am quite lost without the latter as I am fluider than ever since this cold. Will you please send them to the Belmont for me -- "p.d.q." I had a good night and am in a fine hotel room with an open [radiant] gas fire & a disconnected telephone -- I am really writing a good speech.

Will you please telephone Laura at Esther's -- [page 3] [Stewart 4146] -- that my day was much thrown out by my double dentist deal and that I failed twice to get her by telephone.

Do go to H.H. as often as you can and give my love to them and to the dear Lady. Always yrs

J. A.

P.S. there is another registration day, ask Miss Breckinridge.

March 4" 1915

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