Jane Addams et al. to Edward C. Brown, February 4, 1914


Chicago, January 9 <February 4>, 1914.

Judge Edward C. Brown,
1236 No. State St.,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Sir <Mr. Brown:>

As responsible members of the Administrative Council and as contributors to the work, we earnestly request your attention to the needs of the American Association for Labor Legislation.

This Society <, as indicated by the enclosed folder,> has already rendered an eminent service in guiding intelligently and conservatively the Federal Government, and the governments of many States, in framing laws which have already diminished suffering, disease, weakness and death among the working people. We <in Illinois,> ought at least to send <contribute> between two and three thousand dollars to New York <this Association,> and assist in the investigations and publications of this organization.

We should be very glad to have you send your check for any amount that it seems to you [wish] to give, to Miss Jane Addams at the Hull House, 800 South Halsted Street. Proper acknowledgements will also be given from the New York <National> office.

Yours respectfully,

Jane Addams

C. R. Henderson

Alice Hamilton

S. P. Breckinridge. [page 2]

[Mr.] George Higginson Jr., 504 First Nat'l Bank Bldg, Chicago

<√> [Mr.] Charles H. Hamill, Ft. Dearborn Bldg., Chicago.

<√> Mr. Louis M. Greeley, 35 N. Dearborn St., Chicago.

<√> Mr. Stephen A. Foster, 1414 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago.

<3-1913> Dr. Henry B. Favill, 122 So. Michigan Ave., Chicago.

<√> Mr. Kellogg Fairbank, 112 W. Adams St., Chicago.

<√> Mr. Victor Elting, 706 Rookery Bldg., [Chicago].

<√> Mr. Thomas E. Donnelley, 731 Plymouth Place, Chicago.

<√> Mr. Fletcher Dobyns, 1060 Rookery Bldg., Chicago.

<3-1913> Mr. Samuel Dauchy, 525 Hawthorne Place, Chicago.

<√> Mr. John Stuart Coonley, 332 So. Michigan Ave., Chicago.

<√> Mr. Avery Coonley, 1101 McCormick Bldg., Chicago.

<√> Mr. Robert Catherwood, 924 Marquette Bldg., Chicago.

<√> Mr. Wm. W. Case, 35 No. Dearborn St., Chicago.

<√> Mr. Fred Ives Carpenter, 5533 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago.

<√> Mr. Edward B. Burling, 203 So. Dearborn St., Chicago.

<√> Mr. Wm. Brown, Jr., 1318 Hartford Bldg., Chicago.

<√> Mr. Wm. C. Boyden, 35 No. Dearborn St., Chicago.

<√> Mr. Dwight S. Bobb, 1100 Am. Trust Bldg., Chicago.

<5-1913> Mr. Alfred L. Baker, 141 So. LaSalle St., Chicago.

<√> Mr. David B. Jones, 129 So. Clark St., Chicago.

<√> Mr. John F. Bass, 115 So. LaSalle St., Chicago.

<√> Mr. Clifford W. Barnes, 10 So. LaSalle St., Chicago.

[CS?] -- Mr. Edgar L. Bancroft, Corn Exchange National Bank, Chicago (gives $25)