Florence Wells to Henry Churchill King, September 6, 1913


September 6, 1913.

My dear Mr. King,

In the absence of Miss Addams I am writing to explain that she is, for the present, declining all speaking engagements. She has only recently returned to this country after a rather long stay abroad and has found so many things awaiting her here that she feels she must stay very steadily in Chicago when our Hull House activities reopen in the early autumn. I do not know whether or not she will still feel, later in the season, that she must stay so closely here; and if a reply in October will not be too late for you, I would suggest that you write again after the first of the month, when she will have returned to the city and will be able to reply personally to your invitation. In the [meantime] I will be glad to preserve this letter and bring it to Miss Addams' attention upon her return.

Very sincerely yours,

Florence Wells