Henry Churchill King to Jane Addams, September 4, 1913

September fourth
Nineteen thirteen
Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House, Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

I am coming back to you once more to see if it will be possible for you to come to us again for one of our regular monthly lectures, given before the whole body of students and teachers.

I should be glad if you could take the December lecture, and I could give you a choice of the days December 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, or 16th, 17th, 18th or 19th. The lecture comes at 11.30 in the morning. You will perhaps remember that you can leave Chicago in the evening via the Lake Shore, and get in here early the next morning; and can return from here in the evening, getting there the following morning. The honorarium is fifty dollars.

I greatly hope that you may be able to come to us this year. It seems a long time since we heard you, and I want to be sure at least that no college generation passes without our students having the opportunity of getting the message that you have to give them.

With sincere esteem, I am

Faithfully yours,