Jane Addams to Graham Taylor, April 11, 1913


Jerusalem, April 11" 1913

My dear Mr Taylor.

I will write the foreword to the new book with pleasure and while I find it hard to do any writing just now in the midst of the many new impressions, I will promise to have it "in" during the early summer.

In looking over the articles I am again impressed with their [page 2] value and I am so glad they are to be published promptly.

We have had a very stimulating month in Egypt and arrived here early yesterday. The church of the holy sepulcher we saw this morning. It was strangely moving and appealing, with its divided sects, its many pilgrims, its grim history as if poor human nature had fairly broken down under the attempt to express its devotion. I hope someday [page 3] you will come here -- the country in the full flush of Spring is very beautiful.

Mrs Bowen writes of the minimum wage [illegible] and all the other things so that I feel like a deserter, but one ought to be [illegible] more often an experience of this kind. May I tell you again what a pleasure it is to be of any service to you and with cordial greetings to your household, remain always Faithfully yours Jane Addams.

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