Jane Addams to Ida Campbell Mott-Smith Lovett, April 9, 1925


Hotel Regis

April 9" 1925

Antlers Hotel
Colorado Springs, Col.

My dear Mrs Lovett

I had addressed an envelope to you before we left Mexico City in order to give you a glimpse of [Guadalajara], so I will finish on this misleading paper.

We stayed on for several days waiting for Miss Wald's boat which left for New York [on] the 4th. Her trained nurse took her to Vera Cruz and we felt quite reassured at the end, but she was really very ill for a few days.

At beautiful [Guadalajara] I developed a throat infection -- not actually serious but of a [page 2] definite type which needs watching and the doctor [here] insists that clean air is what it needs, so I have decided to stay here with Mary while she visits her brother's family. That would bring us home about April 20th. I am sorry to be so late but it is often all best to return in good condition.

The journey from Mexico City to El Paso was long but really quite comfortable ↑as Mexico goes↓ and we arrived after 4 days & 4 nights of travel glad of this comfortable place in which to rest. The experience was quite wonderful and well worth the exertion. I do hope you are not worn out over all the bundles which are arriving and that you don't have to go to the customs house for the P.O. packages.

How are the plans for the ↑National↓ W.I.L. meeting coming on? I do hope that you [never] have to do all the work. Thank you so much for the Barnett Fellowship acct and for all your [much?] goodness to me.

Always lovingly yours Jane Addams