January 23, 1925
My dear Mr. Kennedy:
The enclosed letter from Mr. Bellamy I think is the most sensible reply which has been received.
I do not believe a general appeal with a big committee is the way to get money. If Mr. Bellamy would make personal requests in Cleveland and someone else would do so in each of the other cities, I think we could easily secure the amount. The method of acting through a large general committee of "prominent people" is what I never cared for nor ever used. However, I suppose I must bear the result of not being present at the meetings in New York!
Is the idea to merely ↑ask the people↓ to go on a committee without asking them for money? I should say that the names of rich people on the committee who did not give money would be a detriment rather than a help. However, I will talk over the whole matter with Miss Vittum and write you again ↑when she reports the discussion at N.Y.↓
I am writing a note to Mrs. Woods. I am so sorry to hear of Mr. Woods' serious illness. Doctors do such marvelous things with hearts now days that I hope this case may be one of those miraculous cases.
Faithfully yours,
Jane Addams [signed]
↑P.S. This letter [makes possible?], I do not feel [illegible] out of my class. The W.I.L. raised 35,000.00 last spring from [the conference] from very [illegible] people who [we?] [illegible].↓