Jane Addams to Carrie Chapman Catt, January 3, 1925


January 3, 1924

My dear Mrs. Catt:

Mrs. [Morrisson] kindly sent me your letter which I am very happy to receive.

The attacks have been answered, first, by the World, which had a series of articles which came out after our meeting in the Spring, the reply having been instigated by Mrs. [Kelley]. There have also been a series in the New Republic and a shorter series in the Nation.

Miss Balch has carefully take up the charges in the sheet you sent and I am sending you a copy of her reply as well as the series of World articles. I had already written Mrs. [Morrisson] before your letter came that it was better for me not to go to Washington. I founded this on an article which Grace Abbott sent me. If any attack is to be made I think it would be better to have it come directly on you own meeting, that the issue may be quite clear. I have never taken these attacks very seriously, having learned during the war how ephemeral such matters are; that the present public opinion has shown by the opposition to the Child Labor Amendment and other such matters is of course [inflamed] by the consciousness of the Russian Revolution. It is very similar to the situation in England for years after the French Revolution so that even the most moderate reforms were held up and challenged on the cry they destroyed family religion.

With every possible good wish for the success of your undertaking, I am,

Fraternally yours,