Frances Fanning Bushea to Jane Addams, May 29, 1924

The Women's Council for Prevention of War.
515 Cleveland Discount Bldg.
Cleveland, Ohio.
May 29, 1924.
Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams: --

In my wire to you last Saturday I stated "letter follows." I am sure you must feel by now that letter must have been lost. Such is not the case. Here it is [though] much delayed.

You will never realize how all the women on the Executive Committee of the Council felt when they instructed me to send you that message. Each one of them expressed themselves as feeling they had not "kept the faith." Each was reluctant to vote against the visit of the Special. Two members though felt we must change our plans and with the pressure that was brought to bear by both the Chamber of Commerce and the American Legion we all felt that we would do more to injure the cause we are all working for, by remaining with the Special, than by calling off our proposed plan.

You won't know either how delighted we all were when we learned that it was coming anyway. I feel sure that there will be many interested persons hear these women.

Miss Gannett has told me that she has written you the state of affairs here so I shall not tire you with [repetition]. May I just say that the Chamber and Legion did come out with specific charges against the W.I.L. and I think it would be well if some Publicity as to your real purpose and program could be gotten into the Cleveland papers. Wishing you success in your work, I am,


Frances F. Bushea (Mrs W. J.) [signed]
Executive Secretary