Emily Balch Greene to Vilma Glücklich, July 14, 1924

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
Section for the United States
1403 H St., N.W., Washington, D.C.


July fourteenth, 1924.

Dear Miss [Glücklich],

In spite of this imposing paper this is a very brief note just to say that Miss Addams has asked me to explain that it is quite a misunderstanding that she thought that the "drive" for new Associate Members ought to be carried on from the United States. On the contrary the plan was (as I too am sure) that this very necessary piece of work should be carried on from Headquarters at Geneva. We did hope that Associate Members could be secured during the meetings of the Pax Special but I doubt if much -- if anything ↑indeed --↓ was, or could have been, accomplished in that line at those meetings in view of all the other things that there were to do and to explain.

Yours always cordially,

Emily G Balch [signed]

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