Emily Balch Greene to Lucia Ames Mead, May 14, 1924


Dear Mrs. Mead

Miss Addams is so busy that she is sending much correspondence to me to attend to including yours of May 14.

As to correction in re Grotius centenary I have made a memorandum for dear Mrs Post who is valiantly and skillfully attacking the task of editing our Proceedings.

As to attacks on us I think I have said what I have to contribute in recent letters to you and. I am writing Miss Blackwell for copies of her reply for the I.C.W.

It is very interesting that you are preparing a pageant plan. I should be interested to see it. [page 2]

I am calling Miss Addams attention to your request that the Summer School send a word of appreciation to Methodists. Isn't it heartening to see what they are doing. And the attacks on us, annoying and hard to deal with as they are, are a proof that women are making themselves felt more widely and deeply than I dared hope when we were asking for the vote.

Poor M. [La Fontaine]. His disappointment in the U.S. is bitter & who can wonder but he fails to appreciate the forces at play here. We must all take a long view while working in the moment given to us to work in, mustn't we.

Yours [always]

Emily G Balch