Jane Addams to William Kent, June 26, 1909


My dear Mr Kent --

I saw Miss Tarbell in New York last Saturday morning and we finally agreed that I should submit to The American Magazine the material which I am trying to prepare for Macmillan on "Twenty Years At Hull House". The Macmillan representative agreed to [page 2] this plan, so that Mr Phillips will be at liberty to use in serial form any part of the material which seems to him desirable.

I am not in the least sure that there will be anything worth publishing after the end of my efforts [although] I mean to do what I can this summer. My friend Miss Smith and I have taken a cottage for two months at Highland Park, [page 3] as she improves in health it is hoped that genius may hum! but I am dubious. Mr Bradley is at present at Hull-House where I have an appointment with him for next Wednesday, I am so sorry to be away -- but having taken charge of a nervous invalid I have found that the one thing she won't stand, is to have me hopping in and out of town [page 4]  The residents are all being good to him.

I enjoyed the copies of Cal. paper very much and if there is any thing left of use after my present literary labors, I shall send something to it with pleasure.

With cordial greetings to Mrs Kent, I am

Faithfully yours

Jane Addams