Marie Jeanne Bassot to Jane Addams, November 4, 1920

LEVALLOIS, le 4 [November] 1920

Dear Miss [Addams],

In February last, on my return from America, I wrote you about the situation that I found here in my settlement work; [now] I have the great pleasure to tell you matters have changed. You will see by the enclosed booklet what are our present [realizations], hopes and difficulties.

The surroundings in which I have now the possibility to carry off the ideas I acquired through my too brief [sojourn] in the States are such as any bold social worker can dream of in his most ambitious moments. The very place where the [laboring] class will find what answer to its actual needs, uplifting education.

France's generosity and the help of some American friends, gave us this place to dwell; and now, I am appealing once more to the heart of those American friends. You will read what is our [program] and what are our needs. I shall be most grateful to know what you think of the first and to receive your help for the second.

I keep a pleasant memory of the most kind hospitality I received during my stay in your country.

Believe me

Yours very sincerely,

M J Bassot [signed]

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