Jane Addams to Paul Underwood Kellogg, June 9, 1920


June 9th, 1920

My dear Mr. Kellogg:

I am afraid that I can do nothing more about Canon Barnett. The Yale Review for July brings [out?] a review of his book which I made for them. The review I sent to you is being published here in Chicago by "Unity" which will give me reprints that I hope may be of service to Mrs. Barnett, but I really have nothing more to say.

It seems to me the reasons for holding the Conference in a neutral country in Europe are obvious. Its chances for success would be enormously greater in Holland or Switzerland than in New York City. The attendance would also be much more representative and so forth and so on.

I may be in New York the second week in July and hope to see you then.

Hastily yours,

Jane Addams [signed]