Henry Churchill King to Jane Addams, November 19, 1907


November 19, 1907

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,

My dear Miss Addams:

You will remember that I wrote you some time ago expressing the hope that you might have a part in the next general convention of the Religious Education Association, to be held at the city of Washington, February 11th to 13th, 1908; and you were kind enough to give me some encouragement that you might come. I am writing now to remind you of that partial promise, and to say that we greatly hope that you may be able to take the second of three thirty minute addresses of the closing evening session of the Convention, Thursday February 13th. I am sending an outline program of the general sessions (not of the numerous departmental meetings.) You will see from this outline program that the general theme of the Convetion is: "The Relation of Moral and Religious Education to the Nation;"and we are very hopeful that this theme, coupled with the fact that the Convention is to be held at the national capital will make this Convention one of the most telling that the Association has yet has; and we all feel that your participation in the program will add very distinctly to the influence of the Convention.

I am suggesting the theme "Newer Ideals of Peace and Patriotism" for your address; and, of course, I should be quite willing to have you rephrase the subject as you preferred, [though] that topic, I think, states accurately what I have myself had in mind and is so exactly in line with work that you have already done, that I hope you will not need to hesitate to undertake the address.

I am hoping to have as your associates on that program Governor Hughes of New York for the first address, and Bishop Galloway of Mississippi for the third.

You know I have been counting upon you as one of the speakers for the Cleveland Congregational Club in February, and for our [page 2] Washington's Birthday address here. We could arrange these two latter dates together; that is, I could so arrange the date of the Cleveland Congregational Club meeting as to bring it into close connection with our Washington's Birthday address; and between the two we could assure you of a hundred dollars.

Are you at a point now where you could give me a definite answer with reference to these three invitations? You know how greatly I value your message; and you see I am very greedy in seeking your help in these various things in which I am this year concernd. But I suppose that regard for the general interests must leave me to urge especially your participation in the Convention at Washington.

In great hope that you may see your way to arrange for all three addresses, I am, with sincere esteem,

Faithfully yours,