Herbert Stanley Redgrove to Jane Addams, September 27, 1916

191, Camden Road,
<London> N.W.

Dear Sir <Madam,>

I am compiling, in collaboration with a literary friend, who is collecting quotations from foreign books, an Anthology consisting of quotations from leading writers -- theologians, politicians, scientists, philosophers, men of letters, poets etc. -- of all ages, dealing with the subject of war. I should be exceedingly glad to include quotations from your works, and have chosen those indicated overleaf. I trust you will kindly give me permission to do this, or I shall be glad to consider any suggestions you may like to make as to alternative quotations.

An early answer will greatly oblige, as it is hoped to go to press with the first part of the work in October.

With very many thanks in anticipation,

I am,

Yours faithfully,

H. S. Redgrove. [signed]

P.S. Of course, full acknowledgment of permission to quote will be made in the Preface to the Anthology, and a full reference will be given to every quotation. [page 2]

<"Account of Interviews with the Foreign Ministers of Europe" (London), pp. 12 & 17.

It seemed to me . . . . do with their lives

There is one . . . . youth of all Europe.

"Newer Ideals of Peace" (New York, 1907), pp 210-211, 219-220 & 230.

At the present . . . . filling our prisons.

Industrial life . . . . action

It is the military . . . . claimed for industrialism

War on the . . . . men live by>

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