Jane Elizabeth Barbour Whyte to Jane Addams, October 19, 1915


Women's International League

19 Oct 1915

My dear Miss Addams,

Already you have had the appeal from the London Committee putting before you the importance of the International Committee meeting at once. I understand that a Cable also has gone. May I add my earnest request that you will at once think of coming over. Let me assure you that there is work [wh.] only you can do, and which it is in your power to do.

Yours sincerely

Jane E. Whyte [page 2]

My own feeling is that there is not a moment to be lost & that you ought to be at The Hague now & remain in Europe until the result you desire is obtained.

Anna Geddes is in India were she here I would have asked her to write. I was among the 25 chosen to represent Great Britain at The Hague.