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  • Mentions: Swanwick, Helena Lucy Maria Sickert (1864-1939)

The League meets to discuss its efforts to assist the League of Nations Assembly.

Addams tells Doty that she thinks they can afford only $1,000 for traveling costs for delegates to the International Congress of Women at Dublin.

Doty tells Addams about activities at the Women's International League For Peace and Freedom headquarters.

Addams made a list of British contacts.

Doty asks Clark to look into a group of Bulgarian women who want to join the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.

Addams tells Woods about the plans for publication and repaying the National for the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Congress expenses.

Addams introduces Doty to her niece, Mary Hulbert.

Macnaghten tells Addams of her travels in Japan and her plans to visit Canada.

Doty tells Addams about activities and finances at the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Geneva office.

Balch asks Addams for guidance on issues to be discussed at the upcoming Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Executive Committee meeting and discusses her travels in Europe.

Evans tells Addams about her experience in America during the International Congress of Women.
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Balch tells Addams that they have moved the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Summer School to Lugano due to political issues in Italy and updates Addams on her health.

Glücklich tells Addams about some of the difficulties in the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's office with regard to publications and the British Section.

Evans asks Balch if Kathleen Innes can write a report for the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's British Section about the League of Nations.

Glücklich offers Addams and Balch her take on the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's funding, banking, and bookkeeping.

Glücklich tells Addams about the deaths of recent friends and her problems keeping up with the office work and other challenges facing the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.

Addams tells Courtney of her concern over the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's language which has to walk a fine line to maintain all its members.

Woods updates Addams on the progress on the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's publications and office activities.

Addams advises Wood on publication plans for Summer School pamphlets and the purchase of a cabinet for the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom office.

Addams updates Woods on the plan to use international funds to cover postage for the International Congress of Women reports.

Glücklich tells Addams about recent Women's International League for Peace and Freedom meetings, plans for delegates to the International Congress of Women, and her views on the office planning for the Congress.

Balch sends Addams the request to send a Women's International League for Peace and Freedom delegation to Russia and the Ukraine and discusses policy on undertaking new business.

The Conference proposes a series of resolutions calling for revision of the peace terms of World War I.

Balch welcomes Addams home and tells of her plans to remain in the United States and work for peace there.