27 results

  • Creator is exactly "Anonymous "

The author asks Addams to try to stop Nicholas Viana's execution.

A "Friend to Man" asks Addams to give a Bible to Nicholas Viana and hopes that his execution will be stayed.

"A Woman from Los Angeles" congratulates Addams's call for a disarmament plank at the Republican convention.

Letters written by a German soldier, published in Jus Suffragi, detail the moral dilemma faced by troops at the front.

The author asks Addams to stand against polygamy, which she fears will infect the United States due to war casualties. .

The writer thanks Addams for her efforts for peace and decries America's treatment of Germany and Germans.

A mother begs Addams to do all she can to prevent war.

A "Rreal American Citizen" calls for a boycott of subsidized newspapers due to their warmongering.

An "American Citizen who loves his Country"sends Addams a plea to boycott the newspapers that he feels are driving the United States into World War I.

An "admiring workingman" asks Bowen to send Addams wishes for a speedy recovery.

A "Bull Moose" warns Addams of a trap that the other political parties are planning for the Progressive Party.

The author offers his thoughts on woman suffrage and the custom of men tipping their hats to women.

The anonymous African-American correspondent chastises Addams for sacrificing African American rights for woman suffrage.

An anonymous writer gives Addams advice for the Progressive Party to win the election.

This anonymous author chastises Addams for her support of Theodore Roosevelt and encloses an article that is critical of the candidate.

The writer criticizes Theodore Roosevelt's platform and admonishes Addams for supporting it.

An anonymous writer apologizes for his misunderstanding of the biases of the Record-Herald against the police. Addams received a copy of this letter.

Addams received a copy of this anonymous letter, offering a scathing impression of Chicago politicians out to get Police Chief John McWeeny and criticizing the Chicago Tribune as corrupt. The writer uses derogatory names, like "Sneaky" and "Sissy," for many of the characters and calls the press the "Scrofulas."

The author sympathizes with the McNamara brothers, who bombed the Los Angeles Times building in California in October 1910, because they were insane but criticizes the Chicago newspapers for responding with bigotry against the Irish community.

An anonymous correspondent accuses Addams of being a "dupe" to Theodore Roosevelt.

The writer praises Addams' article in McClure's Magazine and adds that waitresses and department store clerks are also subject to the temptations faced by the women Addams mentions.

An unknown correspondent writes Addams about the moral dangers of child labor in the theater.

After reading Addams' article in McClure's Magazine, the unknown correspondent shares some of her own ideas about women in Panama and the Canal Zone.

The writer discusses white slavery and Addams' recent article in McClure's Magazine.

An unknown correspondent writes Addams in solidarity against an effort to exclude child actors from the Illinois Child Labor Law.