Harriet Park Thomas to Mabel L. Hyers, August 17, 1915

Chancellor Hotel
Aug 17th 1915.

My dear Miss Hyers:

I am in San Francisco very little these days, as I have been speaking a great deal in little towns round about; so I have not been getting my mail very regularly.

I am just about to start home -- today is my date at the N. E. A.; Thursday I go to Palo Alto, where I am to be given a little tea at the Women's Club House [page 2] at Stanford University, and in the evening I am to speak to an open meeting in the town.

Friday night I leave for North Dakota; mail can be sent c/o Mrs. C. H. Finch LaMoure, up to Aug. 29th.

I am due in Minneapolis on the 31st, and hope to reach Chicago by the 3rd of September.

If there is any reason for communicating with me en route [page 3] (after LaMoure) address me c/o Miss Judd.

In regard to the speaking engagements; I thought we had decided on this policy, (but perhaps we only discussed it):

That I was to go anywhere I was wanted for expenses; but where clubs asked what my fee was, as if they expected to pay, I was to get ten dollars, giving this to the W.P.P.

Will you speak to Miss Addams about this? Perhaps since we have the Carnegie fund, [page 4] I should go anywhere, just for expenses, and drop the matter of the fee entirely.

I think you had better make all the engagements for me which are possible -- by that I mean which are a physical possibility for me, in view of the distances to be covered. I should want at least twenty four hours at home between trips.

I don't think the [page 5] people who write especially for Miss Addams want me or any substitute; and in general I should prefer not being offered as a speaker in her place.

The St. Louis people have wanted her since last spring, and I don't think I could at all fill the bill there or in Lynn, Massachusetts.

Please send five hundred platforms, and the [page 6] same number of application blanks, c/o Mrs. Finch LaMoure.

I am sending check for the Vaughan bill.

I know absolutely nothing about the St. Louis bill for Mme. Schwimmer's pictures, -- I should advise sending it to the Secretary of the St. Louis W.P.P., -- it was evidently [page 7] in connection with local work.

Don't pay any attention to letters from Mrs. Sewall or Miss Hosford.

I have had a busy and interesting time out here, and hope I have accomplished something.

I shall be glad to have a month of rest at home before the fall rush begins.

With greetings to you all, as ever.

Sincerely yours,

Harriet P. Thomas