Eustace Sutherland Campbell Percy to Jane Addams, April 26, 1915


April [26, 15]

Dear Miss Addams,

I have just got your letter. I think that before I received it the "Noordam" was on her way again to Holland. There was, I was given to understand, no intention whatever of detaining a neutral ship from the United States, and your temporary stoppage was [page 2] only an ordinary delay incident to all traffic at the present time. The delay must have been very inconvenient to you, and I sincerely regret it; but I hope that after all you arrived in time for the first session of the Conference.

I fear I cannot hope to see you or Miss Hamilton or Mrs [page 3] Rublee, as it is very improbable that you will come to this country, but if by any chance you [do] come, I trust you will let me know. Meanwhile, may I ask you to give my remembrances to them?

Yours sincerely

Eustace Percy [signed]

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