147 Kent Str., St. Paul, Minn.,
April 8th, 1915.
Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.
Dear Miss Addams: --
Herewith (two in English and two in French) booklets on my World Peace Postage Plan. Let me call your attention to the opinion of the Netherlands Foreign Minister in favor of it. The Italian Minister of Postes has written giving it his approval, as well as Henri La Fontaine, President of the Permanent World Peace Parliament, who, before the war, promised to advertise it and publish it broadcast in Europe.
If you will drop me a postal giving your address at the Hague, I shall gladly send you fifty of each.
Very sincerely yours,
J. W. Hamilton [signed]
Pls give the Delegates a chance to read. Perhaps a Committee would report on it.