Jane Addams to Lillian D. Wald, August 6, 1915


Dear Lady: --

I have just written Miss Balch asking her to come up and visit us at Bar Harbor.

I would so much rather not go east via New York. If Mary and I leave for California at the end of the month, say the 27th, my time there will be very short and I should like if possible to go by way of Boston. I will, of course, stay over in Boston to see Miss Balch unless I can induce her to come directly with me to Bar Harbor.

Do we need another committee meeting at once? Paul Kellogg, I understand, is on a vacation, and Hamilton Holt telephoned me this morning on his way through to some [Chautauqua] meetings, so that I think the meeting would be too scattered to be of any use. Of course, the situation just now, with one side winning, makes the moment much less opportune to push negotiations than when there was a deadlock. Even assuming that the advantage is only temporary, the allies would be less in the mood for considering it. However, we can discuss all that when I see you.

I do hope you can come the 15th; [page 2] if not, then please come as promptly as possible.

Paul [Kellogg] telegraphed me the resolutions of the committee. I think they are very well formulated. Ours are a little longer in the hope of keeping something of the appeal if not of the argument.

Always devotedly yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

August 6, 1915.

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