Jane Addams to Rosika Schwimmer, August 22, 1916


My dear Mde Schwimmer

I was sorry not to respond to your request in regard to Mr Ford, but I feel that I could not for two reasons -- the first is that from the outside, where I was forced to be, I was utterly unable to follow the developments of the expedition and really ought not to jump in now; and the other reason is that Mr Ford firmly believes that I exaggerated [page 2] my illness, so that I need not go on the Oscar II, and of course can have very little respect for the opinion of such a quitter.

I am sure it is better for me not to intervene in any way.

I do hope that the heat hasn't been unendurable in New York and that your plans are developing.

The French letter hasn't yet come, may I ask you to send it to me, I feel a little uncomfortable in regard to Mr Dell's position [page 3] in the matter.

I had a little set-back last Saturday but am again coming up. I thank you again for the long journey you took to see me.

Faithfully yours

Jane Addams

Aug 22d 1916

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